Ecuador Mountain Climbing Ecuador professional, specialized, mountain climbing hiking tour operator, climb in ecuador with the best tour operator, climbing expeditions to Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, hiking and trekking expeditions along the volcanoes of Ecuador Ecuador Tour Operator Ecuador Before you leave

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Cotopaxi climbing ecuador Ecuador Adventure Travel
Mountain Climbing, Trekking, Galapagos, Amazon, Sightseeing
Cotopaxi climbing ecuador Ecuador Adventure Travel
Mountain Climbing, Trekking, Galapagos, Amazon, Sightseeing
Cotopaxi climbing ecuador Ecuador Adventure Travel
Mountain Climbing, Trekking, Galapagos, Amazon, Sightseeing
Cotopaxi climbing ecuador Ecuador Adventure Travel
Mountain Climbing, Trekking, Galapagos, Amazon, Sightseeing
Cotopaxi climbing ecuador Ecuador Adventure Travel
Mountain Climbing, Trekking, Galapagos, Amazon, Sightseeing
Cotopaxi climbing ecuador Ecuador Adventure Travel
Mountain Climbing, Trekking, Galapagos, Amazon, Sightseeing


Hi Ekaterina!! We´re home, our bags are unpacked and we´ve settled in once again. Our holiday is still fresh on our minds; what a great time we all had. You had a large part in making this happen so I´d like to thank you just one more time for a job well done!! I´ve been getting lots of thank you-s from members of the group and their comments have been extremely positive; great choice of locations and lodgings, knowledgeable guides, Rene was awesome, the large bus was sooooo comfortable and always on time and the list goes on. Bob telephoned me last night and we had a very lengthy conversation about our recent trip with that said, I suspect you´ll be hearing from him soon with his next year´s plan in hand. I gave him many accolades of our trip and these include:

YOU, Ekaterina, and your organizational skills!!

Cafe Cultura and their Staff always extremely happy to help out with questions, suitcases, safe boxes, luggage and so on. Great breakfasts too.

Sani Lodge truly a pleasant surprise and I think, a better value for the money. Tasty food with good variety, comfortable cabins (especially having the screening over the window openings), friendly staff and knowledgeable guides. Our days were filled with activities they were well organized eager to please, the motor-free canoe transports were extremely enjoyable night time activities were short but action-packed the caiman hunt and my absolute favorite, the walk along the jungle path with head-lights on, spotting snakes, tarantulas, frogs, spiders and webs, bugs and more. Unbelievable!!!!

Galapagos, our experience was extraordinary. The Eden, in my opinion, has improved since our last year visit. This includes: a bit more variety and more quantity in their meals; wet suit gear and shoes/sandals were better organized and out of everyone´s way. The boat was kept very clean at all times. The Captain and crew were fantastic ? they exuded an energy and desire to ensure that our every need was met Galapagos guide ? Ruben - a great guy, lots of fun, knowledgeable and he went out of his way to make sure we saw all the things we wanted to see and do our days were PACKED with activities. Up never later than 5:45 - in bed by 9PM it was go, go, go all day long with a bit of a siesta mid-day. No complaints, we absolutely loved it!!!

Rene, there is no better bus driver on the planet!!!!! We felt safe, secure, and comfortable at all times while we were in his hands! He is cool, calm, and collected always!!

Vinicio, always with a smile on his face. Knowledgeable and a real people person - keen to help out and made sure everyone saw everything that there was to see. We all enjoyed Vinicio, and his talents, very much. Again, we enjoyed a spectacular trip and came home completely exhausted!! And THAT, is a GOOD thing!! Thank you Ekaterina. Karina Cooke: Dear Ekaterina and Silvia, First and most important: An Enormous Big Thank You and Congratulations to both of you for all your tremendous work in arranging our best expedition (so far)! We are all extremely grateful for your professionalism and attention to detail. Most of the group are now safely back home and many have told me that this was the most wonderful holiday they have even taken.

With Best Wishes,

Bob Elner”

We had such an amazing trip it has been difficult to be home we´re both moping around like sad puppy dogs. Please don´t hesitate to be in touch if you decide to come north - We would welcome a visit from you. Both Darren and I have been paid to be naturalists here in Canada for elderhostels, university extension courses, school groups, etc., and we both have a keen interest in all aspects of natural history and we understand the work that goes into being a guide. I know we have mentioned that we were very impressed with Vinicio, he really was a star because he knew about more than just birds he was conversant in natural history generally. He was also very thoughtful to all the participants needs making sure everyone saw or had a chance to see everything and preparing us for what we would be doing each day. But most importantly, he had a genuine enthusiasm for teaching people about natural history that was the key element for us We had the best guide when it was the most important, and we had a terrific time all around.

Thanks again!

Claudia & Darren Coppley 657 Beaver Lake Road

Victoria BC”

Hola, Ekaterina! We just wanted to let you know that we are safely home and still enjoying the memories of our wonderful holiday. We really appreciated all your efforts, and found the two tours particularly interesting. I also thought Pablo was very well-informed about the local history and culture. I hope you do not mind, but we have given the name of your agency to a couple of people... Thank you again for all your assistance; it was lovely to meet you!

Susie and David Shaw”

Hello Everyone We are home safe and sound and hope everyone else is too. What a trip! Thanks for sharing it with us. And thanks Bob, and Ben and Ekaterina for all your efforts to make it such a success. Stan Holman

Katy: Thank you for all your hard work. If you would like an endorsement for your web site, let me know. I would strongly recommend your company to organize a trip in the future.

Cheers Rob Butler”

Hi Ekaterina Thank you for the fantastic job you did organizing the trip, and especially finding us Vinicio. We have already passed your name on to our friend Malcolm who after hearing about our trip is very interested in going.

Best regards,

John Hallett”

Katy. Con mucho agrado quiero compartir lo que los Doherty escribieron acerca del tour. Me siento muy bien de tenerles a ustedes como equipo. Hicieron un excelente trabajo. Gracias mil. Esto es lo que me escribieron. Ren. Quito: The Quito and vicinity tour plan was excellent. Our accommodations were outstanding. We wish we had planned an extra couple of days in the area. There was a lot more diversity that we anticipated. Our only regret is that we were unable to take full advantage of them. The transportation was fine. Our guide in Quito was Hugo. Hugo is very knowledgeable about Quito, Ecuadorean culture and plants/trees/flowers. He was quite committed to following the set itinerary, and it took a bit of persuasion to convince him we were not that tightly attached to a schedule. We did take time to watch the changing of the guard at the presidential palace---quite impressive. Our tour of Quito was great. The churches are magnificent? All in all, we had a very enjoyable experience. This trip was customized for Shirley as we requested. We think you did a good job. As you know most American and probably other foreign tourists travel to Ecuador to see the Galapagos Islands or to do just birding. We found Ecuadorean culture and history to be very exciting as well. We have recommended to our friends that the culture side of Ecuador be included in their travel plans. Thanks for helping up have a great travel experience in your country.

Mike and Shirley”

?Hallo Ekaty, wir haben bis jetzt 2 Rckmeldungen bekommen und zwar vom Stefan und vom Ernst. Die beiden waren von Euch derartig begeistert ? fast schon enthusiastisch :) :) :) !!! Nein wirklich, die haben nix negatives gefunden sondern alles war bestens! Herzlichen Dank und liebe Gre Karin Bodingbauer? ?Die Berge Ecuadors z?hlen zu unseren erfolgreichsten Bergreisen - fast alle, die ?ber das n?tige alpinistische K?nnen verf?gen, erreichen die gew?nschten Gipfelziele. Eine seit Jahren bew?hrte Akklimatisationstaktik, unsere hervorragenden einheimischen Partner und nicht zuletzt die Motivation der Teilnehmer ?garantieren? fast die ?Erfolgsbilanz? an den gro?en Vulkanen Ecuadors?.

Die BergSpechte, Austria.

Once again, thanks so much for the wonderful trip. I will soon be showing my slides to some of my faculty colleagues, and will give your company a plug (plug=slang for recommendation).

Very best regards,

Marylynn and Loo Botsford 788 Mulberry Lane Davis,

California 95616

Hola Ekaterina: Kathy and I are still pinching ourselves to see if we are awake...Did we really go to Ecuador! Yes we did, and we are very pleased with how you met us and helped us along the way. Your service and smile was greatly appreciated. I will be recommending you to some friends that may travel your way soon. Here is a photo of Kathy and I in Cuyabeno jungle...I would go back to the jungle anytime, a truly amazing place.

All the best to you.

Dave and Kathy 10695 Aileen Ave. Summerland,

BC V0H 1Z8 250-494-8775

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  • Mountain Climbing tours in Ecuador
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  • Ecuador Mountaineering and Trekking tours